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The real happiness. (Настоящее счастье на английском)

The real happiness is such a condition when you just feel very well,
more than ever. You live day by day, from year to year, and suddenly,
understand that you are happy. It is impossible to replace this
feeling by anything else, it is just an ordinary childrens happiness.
It is made up of trifles, and you cannot understand, why you feel
suddenly so well …
A newborn kid who lies in the bed is properly happy. He smiles to the
whole world. He is happy because he lives, because he has a mum,
because the bed is sunlited. What else does he want? He does not know
that somewhere there is a war, that some people are sick, that
somewhere there are disasters, that death exists. He does not know
such feelings, as anger, hatred, offence, envy. He just lives, and he
is simply good …
I sat near the window closed eyes and felt warm March beams of the
sun. Then I opened my eyes and looked at the sky. It was such pure and
transparent that it looked absolutely white. I could not stop glaring
at it, though my eyes were watering. The white sky … The white
light… I have never seen it before … or I have not noticed it. It
seemed to me that this sky was an embodiment of kindness, an
embodiment of paradise, an unearthly feeling not subjected to our
hearts, an embodiment of peace … I was properly happy, but it is
just spring has come…
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